CovidGo - World's 1st corona vaccine film

World's first covid vaccine film, released on March 24, 2021
Part of Unified Filmmakers Media Library, Germany
 Official selection at Lift-Off Sessions film festival, UK - 2021

We've put here low-res of CovidGo to ensure everyone gets to see this very important film for free

Popcorn Flicks
Thanks to all associates that enabled us to create ground-breaking cinema & content worldwide
We're those few of the production-houses that make films & content across formats, budget & genre!
This small yet very important film, celebrates artists worldwide that created art maintaining their sanity
during the deadly Corona-Pandemic. Subtly, highlighted in the subtext; there are portions,
absolutely silent,where the characters are tense. In the portions where characters ease up,
start getting back to life; audiences hear the usual humdrum of life - paralleling
the life of most of the people worldwide, during the lockdown of Covid-19

Asia-Africa's 1st Mental Health Awareness and suicide prevention film hexalogy.
Releases October 10, 2023. World Mental Health Day