About Popcorn Flicksss

सत्यम शिवम सुन्दरम Beauty is Truth, Truth is God
This deep spiritual Indian belief is the reason to use 3 'S' in 'Flick'

25 features, 100 shorts, young; Popcorn Flicksss (PF) screened films
during Cannes, film-festivals, as city-square screenings in Europe, Asia and Africa
Films. TVC's. Music Videos. Digital Videos. Content.
Established Reputed Vertical - Awards, News, Fashion, Music
- to give the very best in entertainment, media and fashion industry worldwide

Popcorn Flicks seamlessly integrates reputed verticals
Production, Distribution Popcorn Flicksss
News Portal, PR Bhaarat Bol News
Awards and Festival #BNHAF
Talent Platform Talennt Ka Maha Utsav

Screenings & Streaming
Americas, Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe

PF Success Rate 42%
Thumb-rule: biggest of studios have 30% success-rate

PF Audiences One Billion+
Spread over all continents and across countries