Honey Kapoor Cinematic Universe

Honey Kapoor fans laud lead actor, Amit R Agrwal @ city-square in Italy 

Popcorn Flicksss, post-pandemic, brought all its IP's under one brand: Honey Kapoor Cinematic Universe

Honey Kapoor is a fictional character played by multi-award winning film-maker and actor, Amit R Agrwal
#HKCU produces and co-produces feature-films, shorts, reels, documentaries, fashion films and allied content under #HKCU in three verticals

The Real Pandemic l Garbage
Longest Running Webseries In The World (103 years) 2018-2020-2121
69 Opposites Attract and Amit R Agrwal are part of PhD Dissertation @ Faculty of Law, UNSW, Sydney, Australia on 'Study of Film Censorship'

Hollywood star Dominique Swain launched reboot of the feature film, 69 Opposites Attract (2010) at the launch event in India in 2017

Fashion films, reels, allied content with exclusive showcase during the 'Big 4' fashion-weeks culminating in a grand finale at #BNHAF International Beach and Fashion Week