Co-Produce / Invest

Co-Production is the best way to make films & content post-covid, Amit R Agrwal often quotes this at film-festivals, film-markets, forums and conclaves

Making films very easy today. Making films visible, big challenge.
Forget recouping money, 99% films don't even get screenings, win awards or make news
Popcorn Flicksss successfully executed films and content for co-producers and investors giving optimal outreach and manifold value-addition by integrating the films with established entertainment and media vertical

Popcorn Flicksss safeguards three major concerns of any investor - Completion. Release. Visibility. PF guarantees:
  • Screenings
  • Awards & Outreach
  • Showcase in at least one of the Top-10 film-festivals and film-markets
  • Better chances of sales of films and/or content (not guaranteed though)

Focused screening of impact-films to create an impression Honey Kapoor Origins @ top business-school in India 

Multiplex screening of 'cinema for cause' films CovidGo and Garbage @ top multiplex in India

PF has an expertise in releasing a film through unconventional modes. This factor gains credibility in the light of the article below published in The Hindustan Times


Investors / Co-producers on an average spend a minimum of US$300,000 on films or content considered release-worthy
Yet 93% of these films, year after year, are Lost Films failing to reach even 10,000 audiences.
90% investors or producers in the film industry worldwide, don't make a second film after their first film!

Understanding business & applying logical reasoning, PF has introduced Minimal Risk Model (MRM) - wise say it's best to test a business by starting small.

MRM gives investor / co-producer a chance to invest in a film / web-series with a nominal amount.
Loss, if any, limited to a 'preset amount' of INR21lacs or US$30000.

This amount is way less than the yearly interest on the principal amount that many investors / co-producers loose trying to make a film. MRM Key Points
  • Cuts down risk
  • Guarantee of Completion
  • Limited Release together with
    • Credits as Co-Producer
    • 25% stake in one-off feature film excluding IPR
    • Appreciation and applause at film festivals worldwide

Definite Deliverables to Investor / Co-producer
Popcorn Flicks has a tie-up with international film-festivals. We ensure that co-producer gets Medal of Honor in at least one of the partner festivals of #BNHAF Awards and Festival or the Gala Edition of #BNHAF Awards and Festival.
Kiaan from the USA, gets Best Young Mind Award

93% of films worldwide reach less than 10,000 audiences
While no one guarantees ROI on any film; no one guarantees even visibility of a film.
We guarantee visibilityCase Study: feature film Honey Kapoor Origins, short CoVidGo, webseries 69 Opposites Attract; other films and content
Agarwal's film screened and book launched in USA
Co-producer gets extensive feature in news, media and press
News-article about launch in the USA

Each co-producer has a story to share that motivates many budding co-producers. The opportunities to share stories are scant or literally none, worldwide. Popcorn Flicks gives all co-producers a stage to share their story with celebrities or people of socio-politico importance
Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan launches 1st Indo-Kyrgyz film

If your film / content seems viable, following is the step-line of co-production

Feature film (69min. to 120 min.) l Short (duration 10min. to 33min.) l Webseries
Email your copyright script. Script should be such that Amit R Agrwal is in the lead role or parallel lead role. Once approved for it's market viability, we get to production. Amit R Agarwal has 99.99% dot-prediction record about any films' BO potential and success. Case Study: 'Housefull 4' (2019) Agrwal was the only one to correctly predict after the first day, first show itself that the film will be a blockbuster OR 'Tiger 3' (2023) on 'Bharat 24 News Channel' when Agarwal told the anchor after the first show itself, the film is weak, it won't do 500 crores, the anchor couldn't believe her ears!

We have / may provide
  • 4K camera + lights + tripod + DoP
  • Mic + consumables
  • Editing + Editor
  • Locations in Delhi-NCR, Goa, UP & Uttarakhand (INDIA). Overseas tie-ups: Italy, Australia, Maldives, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco for the best rates.
PF covers the entire cost of Film Consultancy and #BNHAF Awards and Festival 
Everything else including scale-up in production/post-production is the cost of the co-producer
The cost of strategy and execution is already included in MRM model
PF ensures full or selective, Top-10 Film-Festival circuit. Film-Festival circuit cost is a substantial cost for any studio, producer or indie-film-maker
  • Cost towards any marketing or promotional, activity or strategy, not approved or planned by Popcorn Flicksss will be borne entirely by the co-producer
69 Memes marketing-campaign made 69 Opposites Attract top show on Mowgli Baba OTT right from December, 2020 to February 2024. The OTT is now defunct.

If the film or content sells, share will be 50:50 between Popcorn Flicksss and the co-producer

  • Opening credits Popcorn Flicksss presents in association with (co-producer's banner)
  • Producer Amit R Agrwal
  • Co-Producer (Your name)
  • Screenwriter (the ones mentioned on the copyright script)
  • If Amit R Agrwal script-doctors to better the script, Agrwal gets screen-credits as Script Doctor, as well as, co-screenwriter